Friday, 30 October 2015

Is EBTax applicable on Quotations in Oracle Purchasing Release 12?


Current R12 Behavior: 

Tax Classification or any tax attributes are not supported in RFQ/Quotation Oracle E-Business Tax User Guide 

Release 12.2 Part Number E48751-03 Section - Managing Configuration Owners and Service Providers - Managing Event Class Settings 

This table lists the event classes that are applicable to E-Business Tax: Application Event Class Payables Standard Invoices Payables Prepayment Invoices Payables Expense Reports Purchasing Requisition Purchasing Purchase Order and Agreement Purchasing Release ..... 

-- > RFQ/Quotation are not applicable to EBtax.

Query to change distribution account wrongly entered by User while processing Inventory Miscellaneous Transaction Form

To change the account for already created distribution you would need to update both MMT and MTA data. 

update mtl_material_transactions 
set distribution_account_id = &new_acct_id -- Get correct account 
where transaction_id in (&trans_ids) 
and distribution_account_id = &old_acct_id; ---Incorrect account 

update mtl_transaction_accounts mta 
set reference_account = &correct_account_id 
where transaction_id in (&your_problematic_txns) 
and reference_account = &prior_wrong_account_id; 


Note: The GL Period that the transaction date of the record that is update must be open for the record to be transferred to GL. 

-The Inventory Period is not required to be open for the record to be transferred to GL. 

How to apply discount on Sales Order Net amount (not at line level)


I need to apply 10% discount on sales order total amount and there should be no discount applied at line level.
  • Line 1=500$ 
  • Line 2=400$ 
  • Line 3=600$ 
  • Total=1500$ 
  • 10% discount on total of sales order=150$ 
  • Net Total......... 1350 
There should be no impact of discount on line level.Selling prices of each line item should be actual i.e without discount. 


At present time, order level discounts which are applied to only the order total are not product functionality; order level discounts will be reflected amongst the order lines. Please follow enhancement request, Bug 2071090 LUMPSUM DISCOUNT AT ORDER HEADER. 

For a potential workaround refer to: How Does One go about Applying a LUMPSUM Discount at Order Header? Document 454938.1